Lord Skye and his Entourage

Lord Skye Ni'Tessine
Very intelligent, smug (maybe a little cocky), and completely clueless.

Wizard extraordinaire, Lord Dire of Sterich, Honored Lord of Tenh, and an Envoy of Celene, Skye Ni'Tessine travels across the Flanaess and reports back to Celene everything that he learns.
Charged with the task of keeping the Elven Court appraised of current events outside of his homeland, Skye does his best to get involved in whatever trouble he can find, figuring that the best way to keep informed is by having a direct hand in foreign events.

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(In-Character tales)

Kyla Galanodel (cohort)
Serene, but perhaps a little over-protective of Skye.

A wise and reserved woman, Kyla is the foundation and bedrock of stability that keeps the sometimes impulsive Skye grounded (and safe). A cleric of Correlon Larethian (the head of the Seldarine), Kyla favors the protective and spellcasting aspects of her deity. An up-and-coming servant of her Faith and the Elven Court, she was sent from Celene to watch over Skye. She deeply distrusts Sikitha.

Consult character sheet for stat block.

Sikitha of House Vae (follower)
From APL 6 of "Good Things Come in Small Packages"

Sikitha was once a devotee of Lolth, a proud servant of the Spider-Queen Goddess who on occasion would choose Sikitha to lead her demonic servants. However, it is said that those who climb too high have that much further to fall, and Sikitha has fallen very far indeed from the graces of Lolth. Her faith and position now irreparably shattered, she is like a lost lamb, searching for guidance.

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Mystery (Nick's PC)
An assassin hired to kill Skye

Having only recently come to Skye's attention, Mystery's true goals are still not entirely clear to him. What is known is that she seeks to kill him at the behest of a cell of the Knights of Luna, who apparently dislike his advocacy of Celene's isolationism and wish to silence him.

Consult character sheet for stat block.

Terril of the Stark Mounds (bannerman)
An advisor, herald, butler, and tutor.

After Skye's actions over the city of Istivin in Sterich, the Marchioness awarded him the title of Lord Stalwart of Sterich. With that title came a coat of arms and a bannerman to ensure that his status is recognized and ennobled. Terril, from the hills in the north of Sterich, was chosen by Skye to be his herald.

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From Barony Dieren

Lia and Silaqui (followers)
Chosen from amongst his companions, these two women hold special recognition.

Skye has gained sufficient attention that he's somewhat at a loss with what to do regarding the people who wish to follow him. While there are no ranks within his group of companions, Lia and Silaqui are respected by the others and Skye often calls upon them.

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From Celene


From Barony Dieren

Adherents and admirers, these elves are Skye's companions.

Skye's letters to the Queen and the Elven Court of Celene were initially well received, if not exactly noteworthy, until Skye's dealings with the drow. Polarizing the Court, his missives divided the elves into three camps. There there are those elves who think that all drow are only fit to die, those who believe that what Skye did was little more than enslavement, and a last group who believe that drastic measures may be appropriate in order to redeem the drow.

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From Celene