I. The Demon

II. Ravenloft

III. Valas

IV. The White Lady

V. Shadow Rift

VI. Ziinnj

VII. Toril

VIII. Giants

IX. Lolth's Minions

X. Selu'Kiira

XI. Pentarch



Heroes of the Mist

As told by Tanus Feydark.

The original party consisted of a halfling thief, a female wemic, two elf rangers, and a half-elf princess warrior. And me of course.

We started out with dreams of vanquishing a terrible demon from a small town east of the chasm (why start with small goals?). The demon, once we unleashed it, turned out to be this cute, but still quite deadly, sylvan elf named Takahashu. Or at least that's what she told us her name was.

Afterwards we all went shopping in the next town, and well, let's just say that most of the group is still shopping. Except for the thief whom we killed (he was really annoying).

The group now consisted of the wemic Rawn, Takahashu, a crusader we picked up, and me. We were moving on to a city named Byron Glenn when this little goblin named Hacket and some of his henchmen stood in our path and tried to extort money from us. I took to the high ground while the others battled it out with Hacket's buddies in the ravine. Things were going poorly for Hacket, so he called out for help. The answer came from right behind me, as the wizard Tebryn Olonrae suddenly appeared. He was actually quite talkative, and was more displeased with Hacket then he was with us. He offered me tutelage, and I kindly suggested perhaps it should be the other way around. He also offered me a position in his army in Green Isle, and I told him I'd think about it.

By this time the wemic went back home and a nice skeleton (no, really) named Stephen offered to join up with us. We entered the city of Byron Glenn and made our way to a bar, which just so happened was run by Hacket. I told him our good friend Tebryn would pay the cover charge and got in free (heh). I got behind the bar and started serving some very bad tasting beer. A large Bugbear named Maehdros came in and was apparently recruiting troops for the same army Tebryn was. I offered the big guy some beer from the man-sized barrel, and he looked at me kind of odd. He then told me to start a commotion so he could pass through undetected. I found the smallest kobold I could on the other side of the bar and punched him in the face. Well, that was the idea. I missed, he didn't, and soon I was all over the floor. Fortunately, I did get to see Maehdros open up the barrel and walk through it. I also noticed Takahashu quietly made it in after him.

Hacket had to go in the barrel as well, so I started another commotion, and ended up face down on the floor once again. Soon I was called for, so I asked the crusader to start a fight, which he relunctantly did. Passing through the barrel, I looked for Takahashu until I finally noticed her hanging from the ceiling above me. I walked through into a small room where Maehdros, Hacket, and an assassin Seldzar were hanging out. Maehdros was confused as to why I had asked him to come in. Quickly making up some lie, I told him that I was surprised he hadn't see the beautiful blue-eyed blond that had walked in before him. Much to my surprise, they actually knew a sorceress by that description named Delsenora and surmised it was her.

The next day I actually did get to meet Delsenora. She told me she had heard that I had met Tebryn, and was wondering if I wouldn't do a small favor for her. Agreeing, she teleported us to Newmoon, where I was told to find a guy named Jackson and bring him outside of the city. The plan was that once darkness fell, the assassin I had met previously would run Jackson through. As we were exploring Newmoon, we met a witch named Rhiannon who wished to accompany us. She proved useful in seducing poor Jackson (he's more of a womanizer than I apparently), who turned out to be a legendary hero, Lord of the town, and a furry were-tiger. At the fateful time we turned on the assassins, and Lord Jackson was saved.

After that we all kind of went our different ways. Delsenora showed up again and asked if I wouldn't do her another favor. She wished for me to keep an eye on a group of adventurers, one of which was the skeleton that I knew well. She teleported me to this great town named Canthas were I met up with the skeleton Stephen, a ranger named Aven, Takahashu, and an evil dwarf crusader named Feldon. There, after first being rejected by the Department of Transportation in Canthas, we convinced their rivals the Department of Futures to sponsor our trip across the chasm in search of the city named Akken. They gave us a magical carpet on which to make our trip, and we took off. On the way there we convinced a druid named Weylyn to accompany us (her forest had by this time dwindled to just two trees).

The other side of the chasm was kind of a blur. We fought some tanar'ri, some griffon-riders, stole their griffons, and met up with some gypsies who turned out to be vampires. The skeleton Stephen got his flesh back and became a crusader. Takahashu turned out to in fact be Aerin, legendary hero of the Devil Wars. The druid Weylyn got hit by a magical arrow, died, and came back as an evil Marrashi (an ugly winged beast). We came upon a small town that was attacked by these great-looking female winged tanar'ri (vampire succubi), where we managed to fight off a few and get some magical items. We moved on to a town that had sulfur everywhere, and finally onto another small town. A pit-fiend named Ziinnj and a tanar'ri named Panthea showed up and asked the town to submit or be destroyed. I was drunk and immediately fell in love with Panthea, who just so happened to have a taste for Gold Elves. My friends saved me and we moved on as a strange mist moved into town.

We finally did make it to the city of Akken, which we found bravely defending against an army of tanar'ri. They sheltered us for a while. A strange mist thick as a wall appeared north of the town, and we took off to investigate. We charmed a rabbit and sent it into the mist, and it came back out with huge fangs. Somewhat shaken by the effects of the mist, we reconvened in Akken and discussed the mist with the Lord of Akken, and sought some answers from the gods. We learned that an artifact was the key to getting rid of the mist. Aerin suggested that perhaps Delsenora might know something as well, so we agreed to go to Green Isle where she resided. We stopped by Canthas on the way, where we noticed that the evil members of our party were treated somewhat more favorably. Interesting...

Making it to Green Isle, we got an audition with Delsenora, who was over-whelmed to see Aerin (and me of course). Handing Aerin over to her, I tried pumping Delsenora for some info, which she agreed to but never quite got around to doing. As Delsenora and Tebryn were fighting over who got to torture Aerin, I liberated Aerin and the others from their cells and we promptly fled. Aerin wasn't too pleased with me, and we came very close to fighting. Fortunately for her, I ran away ;-).

We took off for Newmoon, where we got an audience with Lord Jackson after some time. He agreed to accompany us back to Akken and into what we finally found out was called the Demi-Plane of Dread, also known as Ravenloft. As we passed through the mist phantom-like creatures thrashed at us and we crashed on the other side of the mist, all of us falling unconscious.

We woke with our weapons gone and soldiers of Falkovia standing over us. As we were being carried away to the city of Lakkar, capital of Falkovia, a gorgeous ranger named Kithra attacked our guards and almost killed them all. I managed to charm the sole survivor, Joseph, and he now acts as my henchman.

We decided to seek help in the town of Morphenze, and on the way we were attacked by a horde of kobolds. After being carried into their hold, we managed to barely escape (after I nearly fried half the party in the process, oops), and we safely made it to our destination.

Continuing on our way to Morphenze, we met a friendly dwarf trader named Kelvin. He was seeking to destroy some crocodilian beast over in Tepest, so having nothing better to do we decided to accompany him. After passing through Morphenze and making our way towards Necropolis, we encountered several Falkovian guards barring the road. Apparently they were looking for two furry creatures, one with wings. Realizing that they were talking about Jackson and Weylyn, and prodded by Stephen, I created an illusion of Jackson going ballistic and running off in the woods in were-tiger form. In fact, the illusion was so good that not only did the guards take off in pursuit, but so did Aerin and Kithra. Thinking to ourselves that they were big girls, we set off at a run towards the border mist, and waited for them to catch up. Indeed once they realized what happened, Aerin and Kithra were able to out-run the guards and we all made it through the mist. Well, not quite all. Unfortunately my loyal henchman Joseph was frozen into a Joseph-cicle by some foul beast, and our party is now one less in number.

Arriving on the other side of the mist in Necropolis, we found ourselves in a dark twisted forest. Not far off we could hear howling. More importantly, not far off were a group of were-wolves responsible for the howling and having a very averse effect on some of our party-members. Entranced by the howls, they were slowly approaching the ring of were-wolves, who were fortunately still not aware of our prescence. Seizing the moment, I unleashed a fireball right in their midst, and we were then more easily able to dispatch them.